Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Some of Our Children and Theirs

As of the summer 2010, 7 of our 16 grandkids have graduated from High School, does that make us 'old grandparents' or is it we just feel that way at times. When you look through these pictures you can find Cody, Reilly, Chase, Brian, Gabby, Suzy, and Zak all have graduated. . . . .Great Young Adults. Our family consists of son Jeff and his wife Lauren they have 2 children, son Timothy he has 1 child, daughter Bridgett she has 3 children, daughter Tammy and her husband Scott they have 4 children, daughter Kim and her husband Rusty she has 1 child, daughter Heather has 2 children, daughter Naomi and her husband Michael they have 3 children.

Son Jeff with his wife Lauren and their two children, grandchildren Jax & Cable.

  Heather ...................... what a charming special picture this is. A lot of hard work. I don't know if we've ever seen as good a picture of her as this one is, 2010.

Grandson Aidan on his 10th Birthday . . . . he lives in the land of the Jews. Proud young man, November 2009.

Chase Baldridge, this singing grandson is just finishing his first year of college (2010). We'll call this his graduation picture since we didn't seem to make it on a distribution list.

Grand-daughter Suz on vacation in Hawaii, July 2009. I believe just having the time of her life. She started College in the fall.

The Baldridge grandkids at their finest.......2010 visit. Thats Emma, Chase, Cody, & Haley.

Grandson Reilly's graduation picture 2009, pictured here with dad Michael and mom Naomi.

  Grandkids visiting the summer of 2010. These two beauties are Haley & Emma Baldridge.

Daughter Kim and her husband Rusty, Honeymooning in Vegas-January 2010. They live in Florida.

Look at these men. . . . growing up in Israel, our grandsons - Nathaniel & Aidan. 2009

Grandson Kevin, Daughter Bridget, and Granddaughter Susie relaxing by the pool during their visit in Arizona, March/April 2009.

Daughter Tammy and our grand-daughters Emily (1st year of Middle School) and Haley (1st year of High School). They live in Liberty, Missouri.                                                        


Grandaughter Franny Gardner........all beauty, daughter of our daughter Naomi. This photo was taken aboard ship at our wedding in 2005.

Grandson's Chase and Cody Baldridge on vacation in Cancun Mx.

Grandson Jax at summer camp 2008. Jax lives in Texas.

Heather and her sons Nate and Aidan, pictured in the entry way of our Arizona Home. Daughter Heather and her family live in Israel. Thanksgiving 2007


               Smile.............son Jeff Saunders and family. Wife Lauren and sons Jax and Cable.

Old photo (2001) of Wayne's grandchildren. The are Haley Baldridge, Chase Baldridge, Emma Baldridge, Nathaniel Santoni, Aidan Santoni, Cody Baldridge, and Zak Stein. (W)

  Daughter Naomi and our grandkids-Franny, Dexter, & Reilly, vacationing in Portugal.


Grandson Kevin and his new pal . . . the summer of 2010.

Picture taken at Brian's graduation party. Our daughter Bridget, Brian, Susie, Dave, and Kevin. Photo taken in their backyard in Washington State.

Picture taken at Cody's graduation in 2007. Pictured are Haley, Cody, Chase, and Emily. These grandkids live in Missouri.

This handsome young man is our 10 year old grandson who lives in Israel. Nathanial David Wayne Santoni 2009. Ooop's I guess he just turned 11 on 10/3/09

Emma is 12............celebrating with brother Chase, sister Haley, and her dad Scott. 2008.


Daughter Heather and her youngest son Aidan. It's OK to call him 'A J'.

Our Gardner grandchildren..........Franny-15, Dexter-11 , and Reilly-17 in a 2007 picture taken by their mom, Naomi. They live in Santa Cruz, California.


Grandsons Aidan and Nathaniel at play on the beach near their home in the Red Sea area, Israel. Early 2008


Amazing how quickly the grandkids grow up. . . just look at this picture of grandson Cody, he is in his third year of college at Northwestern Missouri.


Wayne with the Santoni grandsons Nathaniel and Aidan in the desert in Arizona. Picture taken on a trail in the White Tanks Desert County Park. They visited us over Thanksgiving 2007. (W)

Family Reunion 2010 - Boise Idaho

Some of the cousins of the second oldest generation present . . . from the left they are Dale Leach, Mary Shannon Crowell, Arley Leach, Beth Purdy, Gloria Schott, Chester Leach, Lavonne Urban, Wayne Stein, and Glen Leach. Fun in the sun - Boise May 29/30, 2010.

The reunion had 5 generations represented. One of the oldest was Matilda (Tilly) Leach, shown with grand-daughter Marla Purdy, daughter Beth Purdy, and grand-daughter Tami Coats.

Shown second from the left is April Blankenship of the third generation. Others from the left are Gloria Schott, Mary Shannon Crowell, Lavonne Urban, and on the end of the far bench is Chester Leach (all from the 2nd generation present).


Some more representing the second generation present were (L to R) are Chester Leach, Gary Leach, Demma Coats, and her sister Beth Purdy.


Chatting upon arrival were Beth Purdy, Wayne, Chester Leach and Rose Stein.