Wayne at some ruins in Ephesus, Turkey.
Just Judy climbing up the ladder from the gun level on the USS Constitution in Boston Harbour, Oct 2009
Out for breakfast in Cabo, Mexico.
Liberty Island near NYC, with Manhattan skyline in the background, Wayne Oct 09.
A scene in College Fjiord, Alaska aboard the cruise ship.
At dinner on a cruise, pictured with our waiters.
Judy and Wayne at the Theater in Peoria Arizona for a New Years Eve party 2009, with Judy's sister Randi. At the 2008 Super Bowl in Glendale, Arizona.
Judy and Wayne on their European Cruise, Monte Carlo and France in the background
Fishing in Sitka, Alaska with good friend Terry. Wayne is the one with the smallest, 90 pound Halibut.
Judy taking in some of the 'past' on a summer day in Europe.
Sky diving with cousins near Caldwell, Idaho. Pictured right to left are: Wayne, 1st cousin Demma Coats (daughter of Frank and Matilda Leach), 2nd cousin Kevin Purdy (son of Curtis and Beth Purdy) and an unknown ski diver. Only made the one jump, enough said.
Acting as the ultimate tourist in Alaska.
Judy and Wayne shopping with a couple of needy kids at Christmas time 2008. . . . . making their holiday a little brighter.
April 2010, Wayne, when the cactus were in blume near our home in Arizona.
Judy and some girl friends during a golf tournament on the golf course we live on in Arizona. . . .2010.
A port call to the beach in the Dominican Republic, Judy with our ship in the background.
In the artist area somewhere in Italy
..........Judy 2007 Taking a break in the pool at the condo in Cabo San Jose, Mx