Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Places We've Been, Things We've Done

We visited the beautiful Oregon Coast during the summer of 2010 (5th Anniversary getaway). This picture was taken at a viewpoint above Manzanita.

Everyone needs to visit Oatman, Arizona. That's where the mules come down from the hills and visit the center of the old town. Yes, wild animals trying to socialize with us tame folks-Fun !

Wow was it ever hot here. This is a city park in the port city, in the Dominion Republic CA, 2008.

A street scene from Bogota, Columbia SA. Early in the summer of 2008.

While visiting Alaska in the summer of 2006, we had the opportunity to take this train ride out of Ketchikan up into the mountains and saw a very little of the Yukon Territory.

These two pictures were taken while visiting a Spanish Mission built in the 1600's. We visited it in El Paso, Texas in late April 2009.

This photo of the Steins Mercantile was taken during a 2009 trip into Steins, New Mexico. This and the next six photos are taken in the ghost town along highway 10 in the SW corner of the state.

On old wagon in front of one of the towns stately houses.

This snag was out near the railroad tracts.

Photoed here is some of the 'older' transports.

The sign announcing our arrival in Steins, New Mexico. This ghost town is now privately owned. It had several 'no tres' signed posted around.

An old mud and brick building most of which is long gone.

An outer building, at least it wasn't leaning yet......

Watched this artist painting his building canvas on a city street in Pullman, Washington. Our visit there in the fall of 2009.

We visited an ancient baptismal site in these ruins in Turkey during our 2007 visit there.

These ruins we visited were also in Turkey, one of our stops during our cruise in 2007.

Dining on a patio half way up a hill on the Mediterannen Sea coastline of Italy, Amalfi.